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Study  Destinations

USA flag on pole at the city during day_


United Kingdom Flag


sydney opera house near body of water du


USA flag on pole at the city during day_


 My Services in STEPS 


Complementary15-minutes Whatsapp Session

Have burning questions about studying abroad? Join us for a free 15-minute WhatsApp session, where we'll address all your queries, providing clarity and guidance to shape your aspirations.





 I can support you with your applications to top ranking universities to only these four countries. Unfortunately I cannot answer any questions regarding applications and deadlines for any other destinations. 

Khan Pallob

Let's do it

Hello, ambitious minds! I'm Khan Pallob, your companion on the journey to international education. Having been a student in the UK myself, I understand the challenges Bangladeshi students face abroad. With a remarkable success rate of 95%, my goal is to make your university and visa application process seamless.


"I’ve dealt with many people during my undergrad times and it was not a pleasant experience most of the time. Here i found the right counseling, got to hear the truth and found out the best uni for my masters and even got my visa locked way before expected. 10/10 would recommend!!"

Nowrid Khan

"I known him since 2017. I think he is a serious and exact councilor. Whenever I met him or called him no matter he gave me lots of time how much I needed. Nowadays it is very rare to get from any councilor or consultancy firm. I found him Honest on his position."

Mashiur Rahman

"Super reliable guy, makes excellent cases/files for student files from start to finish. Definitely helped me to study abroad in top 100 university at UWA. Got my visa today! Very happy to meet"

Faisal Arafat

"ALHAMDULILLAH" got my UK student visa. The journey with @Admissionboard was so smooth and helpful. Specially, I want to dedicate my heartiest gratitude to my Councilor "Khan Pallob " Vaiya for his amazing support. He is the person who makes all the steps Butter Smooth and help me along the way of the UK journey! Kind pleasure to "Khan Pallob" vaiya"

Samiul Hasan Siam

"I went to Khan Pallob Bhaiyya to talk about my opportunities to study in Germany! I am lucky that I came across this page because he was amazing. Unlike other counsellors, he takes time to do a thorough evaluation of the profile and then suggest accordingly. We have talked for a really long period of time and he was patient enough to answer all my questions. I had a lot of confusion before and was in a dilemma as to how should I move forward. Khan Pollob Bhaiyya gave me some really good insights and suggestions. I would definitely recommend him undoubtedly to all the students who are planning to pursue their higher studies abroad."

Sowad Haque

"Last Friday I went to Mr. Khan Pallob's office. He seems very helpful. I had a very useful conversation with him. He answered all of my questions, which I have asked to him. I also him told my situation. After listening to my situation, he advised me to do my own work by myself. This seems very different to me, because where other agencies are greedy for money, they are not concerned about the students future. Here he is different, he wants to change the future of a student's life through education. This made him exceptional from other agencies.
Best of luck Mr. Khan Pallob."

Ahamod Ibne Abdur Rouf

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